The Ending

This term's work of focusing on Nova has been really therapeutic in a way I didn't expect. I always knew that animals have helped me be a better person and feel better about myself, but it wasn't until documenting through my senior show and through this Instagram that I truly realized how important Nova is to my mental health and how truly far her and I have both come. Though I definitely haven't revealed everything about my life and hers through my page, I hope as it becomes something bigger and I become more vulnerable more of the hardships I have dealt with as a dog mom become more clear. I really do hope this page becomes a safe place for people struggling with not only mental health, but with behaviorally challenged dog as all I have ever wanted this to be was a place for those who need help, advice or training. High energy dogs like Nova can be a pain especially when you're doing alone, but I really hope that my page express that you don't have to be alone and every dog parent in some way shape or form understands the struggles. Things like finding time to walk your dog 3 miles everyday or getting out of bed when you are violently sick is you can feed the living thing that comforts you everyday might not seem that hard, but in reality can feel exhausting. On top of this, when your animal does something bad like has an accident or chews your furniture you feel like a failure as a parent. It might seem dramatic, but it's hard and so I hope my page continues to show that others are struggling too and we can all help one another. This page has really helped me put Nova and my mental health into perspective and I cannot wait to see what it blossoms into. @novatheblackpittie


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