The Ultimate Pattern and Preference
I have/have had four dogs within my lifetime: Ricochet, Turk, Pauley and Nova. All different dogs with different ages, from different places but... all were similar. From the start, my family was drawn to a black dog, but it is now the Grumhaus staple: black with a little bit of white on their chests. Turk, Pauley and Nova are copy and paste edits of each other with the only evolving thing within the pattern being the slight increase of white on their chests, spreading onto their little paws. Nova is gone this week at my parents house and when thinking of what to post, I knew I had to introduce her brothers. It actually worked out perfectly when thinking about this weeks reading specifically the idea that "in every instance, patterns foll
ow some repetitive principle." (187) Within my posts, I reflected upon this idea showing them all together (because they are ADORABLE) but then focusing on them individually to show the viewer the very true pattern that are my dogs.
ow some repetitive principle." (187) Within my posts, I reflected upon this idea showing them all together (because they are ADORABLE) but then focusing on them individually to show the viewer the very true pattern that are my dogs.
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