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The Ending

This term's work of focusing on Nova has been really therapeutic in a way I didn't expect. I always knew that animals have helped me be a better person and feel better about myself, but it wasn't until documenting through my senior show and through this Instagram that I truly realized how important Nova is to my mental health and how truly far her and I have both come. Though I definitely haven't revealed everything about my life and hers through my page, I hope as it becomes something bigger and I become more vulnerable more of the hardships I have dealt with as a dog mom become more clear. I really do hope this page becomes a safe place for people struggling with not only mental health, but with behaviorally challenged dog as all I have ever wanted this to be was a place for those who need help, advice or training. High energy dogs like Nova can be a pain especially when you're doing alone, but I really hope that my page express that you don't have to be alone...

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A Selfie A Day Keeps the Doctor Away

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